Monday, January 28, 2013

be neighborly

As I stroll through my daily motions, it seems to me that many, if not all, people are unaware of how separated we all are. I like to think back to the 50's when Billy and Susie would be playing outside in their '57 Chevy pedal cars, while ma was doing the gardening and dad was fixing his old jalopy. Neighbors would stroll by and see how you were doing, ask if you wanted to come over for a get together later that night, or maybe even go to a car race later that weekend.

It seems now we despise talking or even reaching out to one another. "If you look at me the wrong way I'll beat your f**king face off," is more common than,"How do you do ma'am?" or "Would you like help carrying your belongings to your door?" It seems to me that the world and the people around us have gotten sour, rotten, and unattractive. Selfish is the best word that comes to my mind when I say hi to someone and get no response back, or hold the door for a group of people and here no sign of thanks or gratitude. 

It seems that the media wants us to portray each other as criminals, sexual predators, or perverts, and to stay away from one another because who knows what the creepy old guy down the street will do if you accidentally through your ball into his yard. For all WE know he is gonna bring out his shotgun and blow us to smithareens! NOT TRUE. Half of the "creepy" old guys we have never talked to have the most amazing stories you have ever heard in your whole entire tiny, stupid, sheltered life. Granted his stories may be a little exaggerated, but what story isn't exaggerated??? 

I guess the moral of this explosion of thoughts and words is,
          You don't need to know a guys life story in one sitting, but you would be surprised to find out how much you can learn from a person from just talking to them for 10 minutes, 



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