Thursday, January 31, 2013


As some of you know I am making another move in my life, and that is to journey down to Arizona to be with my ma, pa, puppy, and little brother. It is kind of like I am starting over again, and I think this will be a good transition for me. I have been living a negative life here in Waterloo for the past 3 years, and have recently changed my outlook and perspective around. No more partying, smoking, and wild behavior. It's time to grow up.

With this change, I am going to be going to Gilbert COmmunity college to get some sort of degree under my belt so I can make a stable living for myself. Of course I am a little nervous about moving since I have recently been getting plugged into my church and have been making some great new friends and mentors. I will not lose these people by any means, but I will miss them and their great advice and support for me. I am really trusting God, that he will provide a great church body for me to get plugged into and to grow more in Him and to be a better person all around, since with GOD all things are acheivable.

My family has been pushing me a little to go down there to receive better care for my bipolar disorder, which I have just been diagnosed with. This disorder has really thrown me for a loop emotionally, physically, and mentally. I know with proper medical care, and with the Lord Jesus by my side I can cope with this and be a stronger person because of it. I just really need prayers and love sent my way.

Also what I think God has set upon my heart is being closer to the mountains. The mountains, trees, and wildlife seems to make me appreciate the work of God more and to love what he has set in front of me while also praising Him for it. I absolutely can't express to you how much of a joyous feeling I get when I get to see the sun set over the red mountains of Arizona. It is indescribable  I feel like screaming praises out to Him for the wonderful creations He has put in front of us that so many people overlook in their everyday lives.

Yes, I am hesitate, yes I am nervous, but I will have the loves of my life right there beside me pushing me and encouraging me every step of the way. I love any one person who reads this, and I pray you stay safe in this Iowa weather this winter. It is treacherous.



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