Sunday, January 27, 2013

Getting out of Your Little Bubble

You know, sometimes direction in life is not only found by you and your knowledge, but by building off of what other more "knowledgable" people have told you throughout your life. The reason I may seem knowledgable, is because I have worked and learned off of what other older, wiser people have taught me, which in turn, gives me the leeway to share that knowledge with other people.

Kids, teenagers, and students nowadays seem like they lack the common sense and necessities they need in life, let alone survive. It seems that people and kids are living just to "live" nowadays cause they have no hope for the future, because "who knows what the future may hold, so why not just party and have a good time and waste away the life God has given us to go out and make neat, interesting new friends?"

*In all honesty, who really cares about other people in the first place*. It seems that we/ us Americans live such sheltered lives, that we will never get to meet these amazing people before they die off and the knowledge and livelihood of these people are gone forever. Well, yeah the internet is here to help, but it certainly doesn't provide us with EVERYTHING we need!

Just let me give you a couple examples of people that I have met over the past years that have helped me obtain knowledge that I could have never learned from a book.

STEVE SCHULTZ: A man who raced the Indi 500, on an old Yamaha 2 stroke (rd400/350 can't remember right). The only reason he won it is because for one he split the cylinder heads in two separate pieces so it would reduce the vibration of the 2 pistons that we set side by side, and another is that he was one crazy bastard and kept the throttle pinned and had the skill and the knowledge to know when to break, accelerate, and let off the throttle at the right moment.

ED KUNATH: Ed, is one of the my friends I look up to the most, besides my father. I am pretty sure he obtains too much information for his own good, but that is why I favor him so much. Anytime I need to ask him a question about anything, he will either, know the answer, tell me who knows the answer, or find the answer by digging into the problem at hand. Ed has to be one of the most knowledgable guys I have ever met, and also one of the most witty intellectual men on this planet, and at that we share many many many of the same interests.

JON MEYERS: My dad is the best. Flat out best. No one can beat him. No one can contest with him. He is a living miracle of Gods work at hand. He has taught me all I know from when I was 0 to my present age of 21. My dad is the type of person that if he doesn't know the answer, he will sure as hell find it out, and if he can't find it out, he will fabricate something to make the problem solved. He and I share mostly all of the same interests and he has never failed to give me a bad piece of advice. He suffers everyday from excruciating pain, but seems to pull through, no matter what the issue is that day.

All in all, i just want to let you know to get the hell out of you little comfort bubbles and go talk to your neighbors. You don't know who they are until you meet them, and if they're dicks, well at least you figured that out, and you can press on to the next neighbor.

*excuse my language and my improper use of punctuation.*


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