Sunday, February 10, 2013

Read it and Die and Stuff

i like the fact that in approx. 7 days i will be in a different town living a different life, on my birthday, without the factors that edge on my problems the most. Strippin it down to the main essentials. God, family, and nature. With these three things, I am whole. All I need is these 3 wonderful gifts and I am fulfilled. If you want to be a smartass then, YES i need food and water, but besides all the necessities  all other items are wants or excuses. I can go explore territory I have yet to see, and be among plants and creatures I have yet to come in contact with. Seems like a pretty great, grand ol' time to me!
OH! and I forgot to list I am getting my bipolar disorder straightened out, so I can be 100% solid in everything I do. Right now I am runnin on about 47 or 49% which is unmanageable at this point. Once I get things settled, it will open up so many new doors and possibilities for me to explore.

OH YEAH>>>>> something that just hit me while writing>>>>>>>>
God is the one who put me hear (believe it or not, that is what I choose to believe), soI have been instructed by Him to make believers out of other people by the example I set forth. Now, granted most of this is pretty hard and grueling, because after all, who wants a bunch of people following your roll which you have learned from Christ?  Not too many, since once you slide, your following or group tends to slide with you.
The thing we have gotta do is show people we aren't perfect, but that we are striving for perfection in the eyes of God. We will never live up to man's expectation, but if we seek God's council we can not go wrong.


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