Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some days are mixed... kinda like the nuts

Somedays, there will be a little good and a lotta bad, or visa versa, but when you have a family that is not outwardly or inwardly happy it tends to effect how you react and how you interact around them. 
Naturally, I am a happy-go-lucky person, and almost always have a positive outlook on everything, but it seems when I spend too much time with my family it turns me into a really negative person, given out circumstances. I feel so bad for nearly everyone in our family, because of one huge mistake that happened 10 years ago this Easter, to my dad. I will post a story about this later on when I am feeling up to writing a page or two (because the story is a long story). Basically my dad is disabled from head to toe, and can't do much of anything, let alone do the bare minimum a human being can do. In turn, this affects my mom greatly as she has all the responsibility in the house and has to do nearly everything to keep my dad afloat. She often can't take the stress and just turns into a emotionless zombie, which in turn affects me cause now I have no mom, no dad, and 2 brothers. It's hard but you can sometimes catch them when they are in a good mood, but 87.34% they are usually not. There is always some problem going on, and if it's not one thing it's the other and it's always negative. It is easy to stray away from God when you have these kinds of issues going on, but i see it as an opportunity to do better and to be a better example for Christ, and show other people that there is hope, and that there is a way out of darkness, and into the light. Ya, it might sounds cliche, but it's damn true, and I know it because I have experienced a lot of negativity in my life, and God kicked me in the butt, and told me to get it together. It wasn't a voice that was crystal clear, calling out of the sky to me, but it was a uncomfortable urge and a calling to get my life back on the path it needed to be on. 

BUT! On the plus side of today I had an interview with Colombia Outerwear Apparel, and it went EXCELLENT! I got complimented on my handwriting, got told I Aced the interview, and also got told that they would be giving me a call in about 2 weeks to follow up with me. I am more than excited, because this is the launch of a new beginning for Samuel P. Meyers, and I am gonna show this company what I am all about. Dedication, motivation, and work ethic! So there you have it, today was a pretty awesome day on my part, and tomorrow will be even better because I said so!
Also, I went to this antique store and bought this dope Native American made ring with Opal and Obsidian inlayed in it. Beautiful

God, I believe that you have great plans for me in my journey called life, but could you please help out mom and dad a little bit. Yes, you have blessed them with a great home, and nice things, but it seems emotionally and physically they are suffering. I just ask that you could put a fire in my mothers heart, and heal my father enough to were he can't be sustainable. 

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